Monday, January 17, 2011

Bulembu's Top Ten Highlights from 2010

Looking back at 2010 there are so many advancements and successes.  We've worked to narrow them down to give you some perspective on what has been accomplished in Bulembu over the last 12 months.  Here are the Top 10 Highlights from 2010.  

10. Completed the infrastructure (sewerage, electrical, water) upgrading. 

9. Started repaving 5km of roads. 

8. Clinic increased the number of free HIV tests offered to the community. 

7. New Child Care Homes built.

6. Sales at the Bulembu Store in Piggs Peak were at an all time high in November.

5. Voices for Bulembu campaign raises over $1.4 million and goes international with a concert in Pretoria, RSA.  

4. The rehabilitation of the mine dump begins.

3. Royal Rangers program launched as an after school program.  

 2. Broke ground on the Bulembu Hospitality and Training Centre.

1. Bulembu Dairy became profit centre and is identified as a leading growth enterprise for Bulembu.  


  1. It's incredible to see the progress of this town over the year broken down into these top 10 points! I cannot wait to see how much is accomplished in 2011! Praise God for all that's getting done in Bulembu and I hope to be a part of that in the future :)

  2. Thank you for all the updates! It is so encouraging to hear about how God continues to work in Bulembu.
